Understanding Foreign Qualifications

The ENIC-NARIC network is your one-stop resource for navigating the recognition of foreign academic qualifications across Europe. This network, comprised of 55 information centers throughout Europe, simplifies the process and promotes international educational mobility.


- A network of 55 information centers located across Europe.

- Established through a combined effort of the European Commission, UNESCO, and the Council of Europe.

Benefits of ENIC-NARIC for Students

Simplified Recognition Process:

ENIC-NARIC promotes a common understanding of academic qualifications across Europe. This makes it easier for your qualifications obtained abroad to be recognized in other European countries.

Enhanced Mobility:

By streamlining the recognition process, ENIC-NARIC fosters international educational mobility. You can pursue educational opportunities across Europe with greater ease.

Supporting the EHEA:

The ENIC-NARIC network contributes to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by ensuring transparency and facilitating the recognition of qualifications.

Ready to Get Started?

If you're considering studying abroad and need help understanding the recognition process for your qualifications, ENIC-NARIC can assist you. Visit the link below to learn more about obtaining a comparability statement, a key document in the recognition process.

Ready to Get Started?

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