Understanding the CVEC: Essential Guide for Students in France

Introduction to the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC)

The Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) is a mandatory fee for students enrolled in higher education institutions in France. It finances on-campus programs aimed at enriching the student experience.

Eligibility and Obligations for the CVEC

  1. Who is Subject to the CVEC?
    • The CVEC is applicable to both French and international students enrolled in degree programs, Grande École preparatory courses (CPGE), dual degree programs, and apprenticeship programs at public or private higher education institutions in France.
    • Exemptions apply to students in certain technical programs (BTS), undergraduate art degrees (DMA), and postsecondary accounting courses, as well as those in continuing education funded by employers and exchange students under specific agreements.
  2. Exemptions from the CVEC
    • Students with need-based scholarships from CROUS or government scholarships, and those financed by French regions for specific studies, are exempt.
    • Refugees, individuals under subsidiary protection, and asylum seekers are also exempt.
    • Students with foreign government scholarships or private grants are not exempt.

Payment Instructions for the CVEC

  1. Payment Methods
    • Online payment can be made through messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr and cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr, with proof of payment downloadable post-payment.
    • Cash payments are possible at post offices, with a payment notice from the CVEC website, and email receipt of payment proof.
  2. Registration Requirement for Exempt Students
    • Exempt students must still register on the CVEC website to download a notice of exemption, necessary for university enrollment.

Administrative Process

  1. Pre-Enrollment Requirement
    • Obtaining proof of payment or exemption notice from the CVEC website is mandatory before registering at any higher education institution in France.
  2. CVEC Fee Amount
    • For the academic year 2023/24, the CVEC fee is €100.
  3. Annual Assessment
    • The CVEC fee is assessed yearly, with no additional payment required for multiple enrollments in the same year.
  4. Refund Policy
    • Refunds are possible for students who become exempt during the academic year, with applications made to CROUS before May 31.

Benefits of the CVEC

  1. Improving Student Life
    • The CVEC supports services and activities in social, health, cultural, and athletic domains, enhancing the overall student experience.
  2. Information Accessibility
    • Registration and payment information for the CVEC is available in English on the official website, with efforts to expand English-language resources ongoing.

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