Comprehensive Arrival Guide for Students in France

Pre-Arrival Planning

Start Your Accommodation Hunt Early

  • Begin searching for long-term housing immediately upon deciding to study in France.
  • Book temporary accommodation in advance to cover your initial stay until you secure permanent lodging.

One Month Before Departure

Visa Application for Non-EU Students

  • Non-EU nationals should apply for a visa at least one month prior to departure.
  • Visit the French Consulate or Embassy in your home country with your acceptance letter from the educational institution.

Financial Preparation

  • Verify if your bank card is functional in France; if not, plan to carry sufficient cash for initial expenses.
  • Consider opening a French bank account later for convenience in financial transactions.

One Week Before Departure

Finalize Your Arrival Details

  • Confirm your arrival date with your host institution and landlord, if applicable.
  • Pack your luggage, considering the diverse French climate, and include appropriate attire for various weather conditions.

Essential Documents to Carry

  • Identity documents: Passport, identity card, translated and certified birth certificate, and driving license if you plan to drive.
  • Academic documents: Enrollment proof, language proficiency certificates, and copies of previous degrees.
  • Travel documents: Tickets and itinerary details from the airport to your accommodation.
  • Accommodation documents: Booking confirmation and related paperwork for your stay.

Digital Document Backup

  • Scan or photograph important documents and store them securely online for easy access during your stay.

Upon Arrival in France

Navigating the First Day

  • Utilize ATMs at train stations or airports for cash withdrawal if needed.
  • Purchase travel tickets or passes for public transportation to reach your lodging.
  • Settle into your accommodation and complete any necessary formalities.

The First Week in France

Mandatory Contribution Payment

  • Pay the CVEC (Contribution to Campus and Student Life) fee of 91 euros, essential for university registration.
  • Payment can be made online or in cash at local post offices, and proof of payment must be retained.

University Enrollment

  • Visit the international relations office to gather vital information and proceed to the enrollment office to finalize your registration and obtain your student card.

Banking in France

  • Opening a bank account is advantageous for managing bills, receiving wages, and healthcare reimbursements.
  • Compare offers from various banks and prepare the necessary documentation for account opening.

Residence Permit Validation

  • If you possess a long-stay visa, validate it online within three months of arrival in France.
  • This process requires details from your visa, arrival date, residential address in France, and payment for the residence permit issuance.

Health Insurance Registration

  • Register with the French general social security system immediately after university enrollment.
  • This step provides you with a “carte vitale” for healthcare reimbursements, and consider additional health insurance for comprehensive coverage.

Settling In

Academic and Social Orientation

  • Obtain your class schedule and explore campus facilities like libraries to ensure your access.
  • Participate in university orientation events and integration programs to connect with fellow students and acclimate to the French academic environment.

Engage with Student Associations

  • Join student associations to partake in various activities and enrich your social and academic experience in France.

By meticulously following these steps, students can ensure a smooth transition to their new academic and cultural life in France, setting a solid foundation for a successful and enjoyable study experience.

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