Securing Employment in France Post-Graduation

For European Graduates

European Union, European Economic Area, and Swiss nationals can remain in France indefinitely to seek employment post-graduation. Those under 28 have the opportunity to engage in international volunteer work with French institutions or companies abroad.

For Non-European Graduates

Non-European alumni need a job offer with a salary at least 1.5 times the minimum wage (2,220 euros gross per month as of 2017) to stay in France after graduation. Alternatively, they can apply for a one-year, non-renewable Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour (APS) to look for a job or start a business, provided they have a professional Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.

Special conditions exist for students from countries with bilateral agreements with France; detailed information can be obtained from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or local Campus France offices.

Practical Job Search Advice

  • Define your job target before starting your search.
  • Prepare a CV and cover letter aligned with French standards.
  • Use job search websites like Pôle Emploi and APEC to find opportunities and set up job alerts.
  • Tailor your CV for each application and proactively submit spontaneous applications to companies of interest.
  • Manage your online reputation, as recruiters increasingly vet candidates through social media.
  • Attend job fairs with your CV and cover letter ready for rapid-fire interviews.

Utilizing Internships Effectively

Leverage mandatory or optional end-of-studies internships to gain work experience, apply academic knowledge, and build a professional network.

Support in Job Hunting

Utilize resources like alumni associations, professional insertion assistance offices (BAIP), company relations services, and recruitment forums. Graduates can seek assistance from APEC for managerial positions or Pôle Emploi for various job levels.

Networking for Success

Inform your network about your job search, stay informed about sector-specific hiring trends, and utilize platforms like LinkedIn and France Alumni to showcase your CV, grow your professional network, and access job opportunities.

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