European Cluster Platform


The cluster association “Factory of the Future” aims to encourage and promote the collaborative actions for innovation undertaken in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region on the topic of the Factory of the Future.

Since 2005, more than 250 collaborative projects supported by the 8 clusters of the group were directly linked to this theme. The 7 key topics developed within the association are:

In addition to the support provided to collaborative R&D projects, the association organizes one-day events dedicated to specific key-topics. These events gather companies, universities, schools, clusters and others from all industries of the Region and allow for a better understanding of the topics and for the emergence and development of new collaborative projects.

LIGMR - Lyon Institute For Geostrategy and Multicultural Relations

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform is a service facility aiming to provide cluster organisations with modern tools

The 8 clusters of the group are:

The ECCP addresses primarily the needs of cluster managements, but its rich content is useful for both the SME cluster members and for the cluster policy makers at regional, national or international level.Although the European cluster organisations, by their number and long history of development, make an important part of the platform, ECCP is open and connected to the whole world, with a special focus on certain specific third countries of strategic interest (see “International Cooperation”).

Being at the service of cluster organisations, with a unique offer of facilities and tools to create a favourable environment for collaboration to emerge and develop, ECCP aims to become the leading European hub for international cluster cooperation, building cluster bridges between Europe and the world.

"Virtute Duce, Comite Fortuna"

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