Bachelor Business International

LIGMR® For Global Excellence

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"Let's embark on the path to global success!"



Number of credits

180 ECTS


Lyon, France


3 years



Number of credits

180 ECTS


3 years


Lyon, France

Our Bachelor program is in partnership with MBWAY and of 3-years cycle, the first two years of which are assured by LIGMR® and the final year by MBWAY Lyon Campus, which will award students who have passed all exams and academic requirements of the RNCP degree.

Vision and Mission of the Program


To develop competent professionals in the field of international business, able to navigate and influence an ever-changing global business environment, while respecting and valuing cultural diversity and geostrategic dynamics.


To offer a rigorous and innovative educational program that combines in-depth knowledge of international affairs with an understanding of multicultural relations and geostrategic issues. We aim to develop analytical, strategic and intercultural skills that are essential for success in the globalized business world.

Program Objectives

Knowledge of International Business

Management and Leadership Skills

Geostrategic Understanding

Multicultural Relations


Professional Experience

Program Structure

Bachelor Business International

Eligibility Criteria

Professional Graduates Pathway

Campus location

LIGMR® - Lyon Institute for Geostrategy and Multicultural Relations
MBWAY – Mbway Management and Business School, Lyon

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Year 1:
Foundations in International Affairs (60 ECTS).

S1 - 1st Semester – 30 ECTS

S2 – 2nd Semester – 30 ECTS

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Year 2:
Deepening and Practical Applications (60 ECTS)

S3 – 3rd Semester – 30 ECTS

Speciality Courses (3 ECTS + 3 ECTS)

S4 – 4th Semester – 30 ECTS

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Year 3:
Specialization and Professional Integration (60 ECTS) in Co-operation with Mbway

S5 – 5th Semester – 30 ECTS

S6 – 6th Semester – 30 ECTS


Teaching methods



This educational project for a Bachelor's degree at the Lyon Institute for Geostrategy and Multicultural Relations aims to train competent and ethical professionals, capable of navigating and succeeding in the globalized business world, while respecting cultural diversity and understanding geostrategic dynamics. This program combines a solid theoretical background with practical applications and professional experiences, preparing students to become next generation global leaders.

"Virtute Duce, Comite Fortuna"

Academic Partners

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